
A mobile app to help you accomplish more.

Interested in how we developed this app? Check out our presentation deck!

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema


What is OnTrack?

OnTrack is an app for students looking to increase their daily focus and drive by making their productivity more tangible, inspired by Scrum, an Agile project management framework engineers use to address complex problems.

App Evaluation

Product Spec

1. User Stories

Required Must-have Stories

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

Gif Walkthrough

Here’s a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough

2. Screen Archetypes

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)


<img src=”designs/Hand-drawn-sketches/IMG_4899.jpg” width=600>

<img src=”designs/Hand-drawn-sketches/IMG_4900.jpg” width=600>

<img src=”designs/Hand-drawn-sketches/IMG_4901.jpg” width=600>

Original App Storyboard

<img src=”designs/Hand-drawn-sketches/IMG_4902.jpg” width=00>

<img src=”designs/Hand-drawn-sketches/IMG_4903.jpg” width=600>

<img src=”designs/Hand-drawn-sketches/IMG_4904.jpg” width=600>

Digital Wireframes & Mockups

<img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Backlog.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Add Batons to Checkpoint Dialog box.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/SetLap.png” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Add Batons to Checkpoint.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Backlog Add Checkpoint.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/This Lap.png” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/This Lap with dialog box.png” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Camera.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Lap Time.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Lap Complete.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Replay.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Medals.jpg” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Coaches Comments.png” width=300> <img src=”designs/Updated-Frames/Reflection.jpg” width=300>


<img src=”https://github.com/android-on-track/on-track/blob/master/designs/DatabaseSchema.PNG” width=600>



| Property Name | Type | Description | | :— | :—: | —: | | ObjectID PK | String | Main ID of user to be used Throughout the App | | username | String | Username | | password | String | password | | Email | String | The user Email |


| Property Name | Type | Description | | :— | :—: | —: | | ObjectID PK | String | Unique ID for user Profile | | user FK | Pointer | Used to link the UserProfie to the user | | FirstName | String | The users first name | | LastName | String | The users last name | | About | String | Information about the user | | Title | String | what are the user’s occupation | | TaskCompleted | Number |Number of Laps the user has Completed | | Points | Number | Total number of points earned by the user | | ProfilePic | File | user Profile Pic |


| Property Name | Type | Description | | :— | :—: | —: | | ObjectID PK | String | Unique ID for BackLog used to connect Lap | | user FK | Pointer | Used to link the BackLog to the user | | NumOfTask | Number | Number of Laps currently in the BackLog | | NumOfCompleted | Number | Number of Laps Completed |


| Property Name | Type | Description | | :— | :—: | —: | | ObjectID PK | String | Unique ID for Lap used to connect LapFile and Baton | | BackLog | Pointer | Used to link the Lap to the BackLog | | Name | String | Lap name | | Description | String | Description of what the lap is about | | Priority | String | The level of importance of the lap | | BatonCount | Number | Numbe of batons in the lap | | BatonCompleted | Number | Number of Batons Completed | | TotalPoints | Number | The total amount of points the user can earn in the lap | | FileCount | Number | The number of files attached to the Lap | | DateSet | Date | The amount of time to complete the lap | | Completed | Boolean | Used to know if the lap has been completed |


| Property Name | Type | Description | | :— | :—: | —: | | ObjectID PK | String | Unique ID for LapFile | | Lap FK | Pointer | Used to link the LapFile to the Lap | | Image | File | Contains the Image |


| Property Name | Type | Description | | :— | :—: | —: | | ObjectID PK | String | Unique ID for Baton | | Lap FK | Pointer | Used to link the Baton to the Lap | | Name | String | Name of the baton | | Description | String | Describe what the objective is | | Priority | String | The level of importance of the baton | | Points | Number | Number of points the baton contains | | Completed | Boolean | Used to know if the baton has been completed |


List of network requests by screen